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1. Practice
1. News on International Law
2. Treaties
3. Practice
1. News on International Law
1.1 News Sites
1.2 Paper-based Sources
- Revue
générale de droit international public (http://www.rgdip.com/): "Chronique des faits
- Keesing's
Record of World Events
2. Treaties
- United
Nations Treaty Series: http://treaties.un.org/
- Treaties
concluded before the League of Nations Treaty Series
- Clive
Parry ed., Consolidated Treaty Series,
Oceana Publications.
- Yale Law
School, The Avalon Project: http://avalon.law.yale.edu/
- Extremely useful, but the sources
are not indicated.
- States
3. Practice
3.1. State Organs
3.2. Reports on State Pracetice in Journals
and Yearbooks
The following journals and yearbooks carry a section
dedicated to the summary of the practice of the relevant State.@
3.3. Books on State Practice
- Shigeru
Oda & Hisashi Owada ed., The
Practice of Japan
in International Law 1961-1970, Univ.Tokyo Press, 1982.
- Paul
Guggenheim & Lucius Caflisch éds., Répertoire
suisse de droit international public 1914-1939, 1975, 5 vols.
- Alexandre
Kiss éd., Répertoire de la pratique
française en matière de droit international public,
1962-1972, 7 vols.
- Clive
Parry ed., British Digest of
International Law, , 1965, 8 vols.
- H.F.
van Panhuys, International Law in the
Netherlands, 1978, 3 vols.
- United States Digests
- Francis
Wharton ed., Digest of International
Law, 3 vols., 1887.
- John
Bassett Moore ed., Digest of
International Law, 8 vols., 1906.
- Green
Haywood Hackworth ed., Digest of
International Law, 8 vols., 1940-1944.
- Marjorie
M. Whiteman, Digest of International
Law, 15 vols., 1963-1973.
- Digest
of United States
Practice in International Law, 1973-1980.
- Cumulative
Digest of United States Practice in International Law, 1981-88, 3 vols.
- For
practice since 1989, see: http://www.state.gov/s/l/c8183.htm
3.4. Diplomatic Documents
3.5. Archives (some documents are available
- France,
Archives Nationales: Documents en ligne: http://www.archivesnationales.culture.gouv.fr/chan/chan/documents-en-ligne.html
- France, Archives numerisees et disponibles
en ligne: http://www.archivesdefrance.culture.gouv.fr/ressources/en-ligne/
- France, Archives du Ministère des affaires
étrangères, Expositions en ligne: http://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/ministere_817/archives-patrimoine_3512/expositions_11556/expositions-ligne_14041/expositions-ligne_22560.html
- Japan, National Archives of Japan,
Digital Archives: http://www.digital.archives.go.jp/
- Japan, PORTA: National Diet Library
Digital Archive Portal: http://porta.ndl.go.jp/portal/dt
- Japan, the Diplomatic Record Office of
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs: http://www.mofa.go.jp/mofaj/annai/honsho/shiryo/
- UK, The National Archives,
DocumentsOnline: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/documentsonline/?source=ddmenu_search5
- USA, National Archives and Records
Administration, Historical Documents: http://www.archives.gov/historical-docs/
- League of Nations Archives: http://www.unog.ch/80256EE60057D930/(httpPages)/775F57EE7B39FC0D80256EF8005048A6?OpenDocumentB
- Blue
guide to the archives of Member States' Foreign Ministries and European
Union institutions: http://www.consilium.europa.eu/showPage.aspx?id=717&lang=en
3.6 Judgments and Decisions of National Courts
In addition to Journals and Yearbooks listed above (3.2),
the following sources are useful: